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: '''R''' You know [thinks, or pretends to] I recall a get-together at a summer school in Software Ergonomics, late eighties. There was this attractive scientist working in computer imaging. To impress her, I quoted Karl Krauss: Career is like a horse race, where the horse arrives at the finish without the rider. But then – she might have misread my gender, I suppose.
: '''R''' You know [thinks, or pretends to] I recall a get-together at a summer school in Software Ergonomics, late eighties. There was this attractive scientist working in computer imaging. To impress her, I quoted Karl Krauss: Career is like a horse race, where the horse arrives at the finish without the rider. But then – she might have misread my gender, I suppose.
'''Q''' Late eighties, that's forgivable.
'''Q''' Late eighties, that's forgivable.
: '''R''' May be, but not therefore. Anyway, being me became a success and Krauss' prophecy does not come true. Not too shabby either.   
: '''R''' May be, but not therefore. Anyway, being Me became a success and Krauss' prophecy does not come true. Not too shabby either.   
'''Q''' And now you almost got around the reason for failing as an artist.
'''Q''' And now you almost got around the reason for failing as an artist.
: '''R''' In my field, it makes no sense to call yourself an artist. [sighs] At first, I was irritated by the fact that I couldn't explain what fascinated me about [[Professional_Motifs#CONCEPT-ART|some artworks]]. Later, I saw [[Professional_Motifs#CONCEPTUAL|possibilities]] in creative work the computer does not have. Success in the eyes of others was not a priority. Rather, I wanted to understand myself better.<br/>
: '''R''' In my field, it makes no sense to call yourself an artist. [sighs] At first, I was irritated by the fact that I couldn't explain what fascinated me about [[Professional_Motifs#CONCEPT-ART|some artworks]]. Later, I saw [[Professional_Motifs#CONCEPTUAL|possibilities]] in creative work the computer does not have. Success in the eyes of others was not a priority. Rather, I wanted to understand myself better.<br/>