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transformal GmbH:Conventions: Difference between revisions

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| H<br/>H&thinsp;<ref name="FILE"/> || '''Affiliation'''<br/>'''File type and size''' || What is it affiliated with<br/>&nbsp; || <u>Text</u><br/><u>Text</u>
| H<br/>H&thinsp;<ref name="FILE"/> || '''Affiliation'''<br/>'''File type and size''' || What is it affiliated with<br/>&nbsp; || <u>Text</u><br/><u>Text</u>
; Syntax: [ <i>Type</i> ] <u>Value</u> <ref name="LEX"/> [ Proper name ] </br>
<i>Purpose:</i> Idea, Concept, Semi-finished work, Work, Documentation<br/>
<i>Object:</i> Note, Notebook, Datebook, Letter, Postcard, Photo album, Record, Clothes, Artwork<br/>
<i>Printed Matter:</i> Press release, Book, Newspaper, Magazine, User Manual, Catalog, Business Card, Brochure<br/>
<i>Photograph:</i> Polaroid, Hand print, Print, Contact sheet, Scan, File, Negative, Positive, Slide, Passport photo<br/>
<i>Location:</i> &hellip;<br/>
<i>Person:</i> anonymous, Pseudonym, Initials, Role, Organization<br/>
<i>Image:</i> Facsimile, Photograph, Video, Animation, Logo<br/>
<i>[[:Category:Text|Text]]</i> [[:Category:Article|Article]], [[:Category:Description|Description]], [[:Category:Conversation|Conversation]], [[:Category:Expression|Expression]]
